Hillary Zama began her training with Patricia Hoffman atColorado Ballet Society in 2000. She joined Colorado Youth Ballet in 2003 forits first season and remained a company member until 2013. During her decadewith CYB, she performed the title roles in The Firebird and Peter andthe Wolf, as well as Sugar Plum Fairy and Spanish Lead in The Nutcracker.Hillary joined The Thorn tour as an Angel in 2011, 2012, and 2013 and in2014 as Eve, performing a straps aerial routine. She placed 1st at EstherGeoffrey Young Dancers’ Scholarship Competition in 2006, 2008, and 2010 andearned a spot as a top 10 finalist at Denver Ballet Guild in 2009 and 2010.
Miss Hillary began her teaching career in 2006. While her focusis classical ballet, she has also taught broadway, contemporary, jazz, tap, andline dancing. Her roles at CBS have also included Praise Dance Ensemble manageras well as production manager. She has choreographed for both Colorado YouthBallet and Connexus Dance Collective. She enjoys coaching dancers one-on-one tohelp prepare them for competitions, summer intensives, college programs, andprofessional careers. Hillary is thrilled to return to CBS for her 15th year ofteaching!
In addition to teaching, Hillary is the owner of Spruce Up, LLC,a professional organizing business in Colorado Springs, and is the author of abestselling book on Amazon, Spruce Up: a Professional Organizer’s Guide forYour Home, Your Body, Your Life. She is also a Disney travel professionaland loves planning magical vacations!