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Eleonora Tassara began her classical ballet training in Ferrara, Italy in 1999 at 12 years old. During the first year, she met Mrs Paola Miotto, former soloist with the Struttgart Ballet, Germany and she started taking private classes. In 2002 she passed the audition for the Ballet School of the Wiener Staatsoper in Vienna, Austria under the direction of Mr. Renato Zanella. After that, Ms. Tassara started her academic studies which include ballet, pointe shoes, repertoire, pas de deux and character dance.

In 2006 she was admitted into the Rotterdam Dance Academy, one of the most important European contemporary dance centers. During the 4 years at the RDA she studied different modern/contemporary dance techniques such as: Limon, Cunningham, Graham, Release Technique, Counter technique, floor work and contact improvisation.

She also worked with renowned teachers and choreographers that include: Claudie Winzer (l'Ecole superieure de Danse Cannes Rosella Hightower), Gilbert Mayer (Paris Opera), Olga Eureinoff (NDT- Het National BAllet), Tadeusz Matacz (John Cranko Schule Stuttgart), Fernando Suels ( Wuppertal Tanz Theatre), Jack Gallagher (counter technique), Gabrielle Steiger (Palucca Schule Dresden), Georg Reischl (Forsythe Dance Company) and many more. Ms. Tassara had a full year trainee contract with the company De Stilte in Breda, the Netherlands. In 2010, after her graduation, she was invited by Mrs Greta Bragantini, artistic director of the Centro Professionale Danza Auditorium Ballet in Verona (italy) to teach several classes (ballet, contemporary and pilates). In the same year, Eleonora started dancing in the dance company Iuvenis Danza under the direction of Mrs Greta Bragantini where she also became one of the resident choreographers. From 2015 to 2019 she was also one of the teachers/choreographers for ADT- advanced dance training, a professional course for dancers aged 18-30, which prepares them to enter the world of professional dance.  

During her 10 year stay in Verona, Eleonora taught in several schools in the North East of Italy, she choreographed pieces for several performances and dance competitions with excellent results. She also offered private classes for students to prepare for auditions.

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