Praise Dance Ensemble
"Let them praise His name with dancing."
Psalm 149:3
The ensemble is comprised of the dancers from CBS Praise Worship Dance classes who have a desire for outreach through dance at various venues within our community.
Praise is an opportunity to strengthen the dancer's personal relationships with God and friends, and to reach out to the world around us.
Venues for Praise engagements include churches, nursing homes, and community centers.
The intention of Praise is to act in ministry.
Praise dancers have had the honor of ministering at a variety of local churches in worship services and special performances including The Thorn which has toured nationally and aired internationally on Daystar Television to millions of viewers.
Open to dancers in Levels Pearl, Diamond and 1a-7 who are also registered in at least 1 ballet class per week.
A fee of $180 is due in full by September 1st OR
$90 is due by September 1st and $90 is due by January 1st
If you withdraw from the company after rehearsals have started, a $75 recasting fee will be applied to your account
Dancers must meet their level requirements
Dancers must attend all rehearsals, which will be scheduled on Thursdays
A rehearsal schedule will be sent weekly, if not earlier
Jr Company will rehearse between 7:00-7:45 PM
Sr Company will rehearse between 8:15-9:00 PM
Dancers who participate in Praise Dance Ensemble can NOT be registered for classes that conflict with the Thursday rehearsal times
Praise Dance Ensemble will meet weekly August-December, and January-May
Meetings/rehearsals may include a 15-minute Bible Study and/or Prayer time
Dancers must commit to outreach performances and the Secondary Division performance in May
Dancers not already performing in Secondary Division will be charged a $60 performance fee
There will no performance fee for dancers in Junior PDE
There will be a $45 media fee for all PDE dancers
Dancers will learn how to present their faith one on one and to a group
Casting may require mixed levels, depending on the repertoire. It is our desire and goal to artistically challenge each company member. Every dancer needs to learn to be a corps member (“team player”) in a dance company. There are few principal and soloist roles, and these are assigned to the dancers at the discretion of the choreographer. Company members will learn more than one piece of choreography this season and may be chosen to understudy additional pieces.
Commitment to the first semester, August-December for rehearsals, performances and other events.
Commitment to the second semester, January-May for rehearsals, performances and other events.
Commitment to the Secondary Division performance in May
Agreement that the Praise Dance Ensemble and Colorado Ballet Society shall have the right to use the dancer’s name, photo, voice or other likeness for advertisement, promotional or commercial purposes, and the website.
Praise Dance Ensemble Application (PDF)
Due Saturday, August 8th, 2024